Kingdom Games 2024, what a weekend.
Memphre and I headed to Newport, Vermont for the annual Kingdom Swim.
I got to catch up with old friends, meet friendly new ones, watch people swim their first time ever, longest distances ever, and smash their times.
New Brunswick was well represented! I swam 10km, Jessie did the 16km, her daughter did 1/4 mile, her first open water swim! They brought an offering of seaglass for Memphre, the fabled lake monster that lives in the lake. We swam out, made a wish and dropped 2 of the pieces in the water at Prouty Beach, and then we dropped a piece on each of our own swims
I haven't been swimming much this year, and I injured my wrist so I dropped down to the 10km swim. It went well, slow but I got it done. It was a restorative swim and so great to reconnect with the water again. I came away with a mental list of things to work on.
Thanks to Gary for kayaking. And putting up with me.
My favourite part of the weekend was watching Jessie's 10-year-old daughter Rose swim her first open water event ever. She was the only one registered, so mom was a swim angel by her side. She swam out and around Phil's boat Django and back again. Watching the two of them together was really special, and Rose did an amazing job. She pumped those little arms on the way back and came in to the finish strong. Kid's got drive and talent!
We jumped in for a cooldown at Lake Willoughby the morning after, a nice little swim, friendly chatter, lovely company. The weekend was magic.
